Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kenny's Updates...

25th of JAN.

hapi new year to All.For the pAst fEW mTh,things has not been doing well for me.sian...stress....yet always got people wan to create problem for mE To soLve....and givinf me headache....

Hope this year everyThIng will be SmOoth for me..luCkY I got my DearEst with me and MaKing my life a bEtter Day..

Been Busy SiNce YesTerday,have to eaT 3 dinneR..ONe at my GranDma's hOUse,One at mY GF's House and one at my *homeground*.so Busy travellIng heRe And tHERe..but iT wAs worth It...As it Been Age Since i Had seem all My family meMbErs and * BrOs* at hOmetOWn*...><*wink*.. WenT To tHai DiscO On the dinner eve WitH My gf And BrOs And Big BrO..It Was fUn and we all enjoy OuRsElf.afTer that wEnt for SuPpeR WiTh tHe rest..

26th of JAN

Wake up At 11am to prepare for work....sian..my fxxxing company that is not chinese base dun believe that we chinese dun work for two days during CNY,so we as the in -charge have to go down send RePort.reach there at 1pm after doing EveRyTHiNg tHEn me aNd my Gf heAD dOwn to heR grAnDma hoUsE AnD AfTEr that heAd down to my Two GrAnd MA PlAcE .

At nItE,We hEad doWn to town and EiGht of Us wAtch ThE show
*All's Well End's Well 2009*
it WaS A FunnY Show and we all enjoy it.

DeAr,dun worry,i will rem the date 090909..and keep my promise...
AnD I KnoW u Wan me to be guai and be relax.so i will behave and wont let you worry.

Me In tHe yeAr 1997.Dear,i will change from this To a better me..as promised..

Me In thE PaPeR..

tHis is the me that you wan ,right?my dear?instead of the old me that is shown above.


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