Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Such a tiring day...been stress over work..
Lucky got my lao po with me.she cheer me up and make me relax.
she is really a good gal.
sian,maybe new year we have to go back work as our fxxxing company from Dubai dun believe tat we singaporean dun work on new year.
sucks man...

ThESe Few dayS mi and my deaR fall PoOr Us...fiRsT is ShE GoT SiCk first..thEn maybe i HuG her too MuCh..In the End I Also got sick,ThEn shE recoVer Abit as mosT of her virus WeNt ovEr to Me,haHa,,then it HeR turn To lOoK AfTEr me,then i recoVer le and shE got siCk again...LoLx...our virus Really kNow how To make fun of us...>_<

ThAnk You my DeAr,for AlwaYs wAking up so eaRly Bei me go work and Then Wait FOr me To HaVe lUnCh tog..AfTer Tat Bei mE chat at mY work StAff LiKe To maKe fun of hEr and say,*Kenny,yoUr ReGuLaR CoMe aGaIn,*...haha...then AfTeR tAT I beI HeR Go tO the BuStOp There waIt FOr her BuS.ThEn ShE Wan *AH*...LoLx..*wink*then i Say canNot as i Am weAring UnIFoRm...

dEaR ah dEaR....whY arE u Such aFuNnY and SwEeT gal??U Not Feeling Well Still Wan come oVeR and Bei me,Not fEeling well musT reSt aT HoMe mah.Msg her,she DuN wan repLy,ThEn I Called her And she ans and say she is at her hoUsE dOwnStAir wiTh HeR fRiEnds And will be going OvEr tO her friend housE.Okie.rEm To bRing your jacket as it a cold Nite..
But then i Was tHiNkIng,funnY leh,msg HeR,NeVer RepLy,cAlled her yEt can ans?somthing iS wrong...tHen i Sense she suRe wIll come down BoAt QuAy,true enough,20 mIns latEr,She aPpear at U-Bar.haha..kNow her too well...she say not fun de,no surprise....lolx...really know her inside out..over all,she is a very very nice gal with no attitude..(only some time like to jump abit god)HeHe...:p

Today My Off Day,LaTer GoIng To TeMpLe prAy,as my mood LiKe not so good,FeeL like very pEk ChEy,MaYbe too StReSs le.hope AfTeR prayIng,Everything will be fine...Thank You my DeAr for Endureing my mood swing thEsE fiVe days..AfTEr I let go Of My puB,I can bei u More oFten and Be A nOrMal Guy Le.
And do Rem,Not i wan bE gAnGsTeR mInd or heArt, iTs the place WhEre We hang Out and who my frIends is,StAndarD de,When tHey SaW me outsIdE,ThEy sUre Will toK tHose Things De.We only disCuss thosE thiNg oNly,We neveR go do or hUrT othErs..Hope u understand tis.
Rem,We arE not bAd guys,Instead,MaYbe sOme of Those guys weariNg tIeS may be Worse tHan us,We DuN rApe Or kill.Instead,Some of thoSe iN Ties BehAvE like a hungRy BeAst WhEn They go NiTe club,This Is told by My Gals WhilE They aRe wokIng In *GodfathEr,xin tian di*.
i mean Not All Lah,But tHere R baD sheep In every field...and Not all Tattoo guys Are bad gUy..we oNly havE one WeAknEss..tat is ...We Die For Bro....Sori To Say ThAt...

You are ImpOrtAnT to me Too...buT Then,i KnOw at tIme u wan to spent SoMe moment WiTh me alOne OutsIde,but then DuN knOw i heng or sway,AlwayS so Lucky MeT My fRiEnds when i'm With you...Hope u UndersTand...siNgapore is Very Very small..mayBe i kNoW too many *guYs* Le...haha.

Got To End My Blogging le.Gonna prepare le,if not wait very late.
Sori for the very boring story.Have a nice day.
May god bless you and the guan gong look after you.

signing Off-By KennY Aka KaZua...


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