WoKe uP At 12noon,wAke BabY up AnD tHEn HaVe ChiCKen rice FOr lunCh.
WaNna go doWnStaIR HaVe lUnch,bUt DuE To The RaIn,So No cHoICe,haVe to PaCkET UpStAiR eat.
AfTer LuNcH,WeNt to BabY's houSe as toDaY is heR Mum's BirtHdAy.
So I be giViNG aUnTy A TrEAt At *DING TAI FENG*.AnD BaBy will Be giViNg Her A Red PaCkEt.
ReAch heR hOuSe arOuNd 6pm.ThEN AfTER tAt wE HeAd Down to Paragon AnD After wAiTinG FoR ArOund 15 miNs,TheY GoT a sEat fOr us.
buT HeR Mum duN DaRe To OrDer MuCh,So mE anD BaBy OrDeR foR heR.
We oRdEr PorkchOp FriEd RiCe,vegetable,xiao long bao,ha gao etc...
AftEr DiNnEr We Walk to taka as baby want to print out foto from her hp to put in her office,
AfTer tAt We heAd down tO FaR EasT PlAzA To shop.
DeaR boUghT a pAiR Of sHoe aNd A blouse.
I buY noThIng as FaReast plaza DuN HaVe much fOr GuYs..
AfTer Shopping,we send aunty to the bustop and we head home sweet home...
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